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*Points, aka Crystals expire every 365 days.

theMadness Family
Join theFamily, earn Crystals and turn them into Rewards
Sign Up
Sign up FOR FREE as a Mad One to start enjoying the loyalty program. * Comment on the newsletter and other blog posts. * Interact with other like-minded madness lovers in the forum. * Instantly get 50 crystals every year on your birthday, just because. * There are, nor will there be any fees of any kind, ever.
Earn Crystals
Always get Rewarded on your Birthday
Get 50 Crystals
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Get 1 Crystals for every $1 spent
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Get 1 Crystals for every $1 spent
Sign up to the site
Get 50 Crystals
Embrace the Rewards
10% off all store products
100 Crystals = 10% off for all store products
20% OFF on Necklaces
200 Crystals = 20% off a specific category
15$ OFF your Order
300 Crystals = $15 off orders over $80
20$ OFF on Necklaces
400 Crystals = $20 off a specific category
25% OFF on Necklaces
500 Crystals = 25% off a specific category
30$ OFF you Order
600 Crystals = $30 off orders over $100
10% OFF on All Clothing
700 Crystals = 10% off a specific category
20% OFF on All Clothing
800 Crystals = 20% off a specific category
10% OFF on all Illustrations, Prints and Posters
900 Crystals = 10% off a specific category
Lifetime Reward!
1,000 Crystals = 10% off for all store products
Reward Me Now!
5 Crystals = $1 discount
Mad Rewards!
Rewards you can only redeem by contacting Me directly through the Contact form. These are not redeemable through your orders, unlike the rest.
Best Friends Forever
100 Crystals = A free pair of custom friendship bracelets.
Can be thin or thick.
One for the Road
200 Crystals = A free custom macramé anklet.
Decorated with stones chips and stone beads of your choice.
For the Dreamers
300 Crystals = A free extended one-on-one dreamcatcher class (2hs).
The level and subject depends on your proficiency.
It can be gifted to a family member or friend.
Not Virtual so, subject to my location.
An Amulet for Protection
400 Crystals = A free tumbled stone necklace (subject to stone availability).
500 Crystals = A free custom necklace with a stone of your choosing.
Can be your stone or from our inventory.
A Free Macramé Class
600 Crystals = A free extended one-on-one macramé class (4hs).
The level and subject depends on your proficiency.
It can be gifted to a family member or friend.
Not Virtual so, subject to my location.
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